Environment requirements

Recommended temperature range,LFP batteries:Charge 0~+45℃,discharge -20~+60℃,storage -20~+40℃;And please check the data-sheet for the maximum range. 
Keep away from flame, heat, spark.
Keep away from sunlight and heat sources.
Keep away from moisture, water. If batteries be used under ground or in water, pls choose us special design batteries.
Not use a battery in a sealed enclosure.
Relative humidity: 5% - 95% RH;

Requirement of application conditions

Requirement for batteries in series:Recommended total system voltage limit is no higher than 48V, consult our technical support for guide if voltage exceeds the limit.
Requirement for batteries in parallel:Less than four strings in parallel is recommended, if more than four strings, please consult our technical support for guide.
Battery temperature:Temperature difference between no more than 3℃.
Batteries cannot be installed on bottom, installation position be selected to avoid cell inside suspended, consult our technical support when need. 
Clearance:Keep a clearance of 20mm at least between batteries for better heat dissipation.
Float charging parameters(25℃):Initial current limit≤0.5C,voltage setting 3.4~3.45V/cell 
Equalization charge parameters(25℃):Initial current limit≤0.5C,voltage3.5~3.6V/cell 
The favorite ambient temperature for long battery service life is 25±5℃, battery service life shorten when the temperature increase above 25℃.
Not mix up batteries from different types, different production date, different manufacturers, different size, different models in a group. Consult our technical support for guide when such case happens.
Replacement of battery: Consult our technical support for guide when such case happens.
Warranty may be invalid if above requirements are not followed.